Monday, December 17, 2007

A Warning.

I felt that God was speaking to me a while ago. I was checking up on my Facebook account and I happened to read the 'Daily Bible Verse' application -

James 1:22

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

I have been questioning my faith lately. I am a Christian and proud to be one... but it seems that my actions do not depict my faith. I hardly go to church these days (a big no-no), I seldom do my Quiet Time, my thoughts and actions are that of a secular young adult... Ask me to quote a verse from the Bible and I'm only able to memorize a selected few (when I should have memorized more at this stage in life).

God has given me a wonderful family, helped me with my problems, answered my questions... What more could I ask from a God who lowered himself to the position of a suffering man to save our souls? But my behavior and attitude are far from that of a grateful sinner who has truly repented.

Please pray for me to work harder at spreading His words through my actions. I don't intend to be a stagnant databank that does nothing. And I pray that I'd find my calling soon.

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